Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Odo The Proud

Much has happened since my last entree in this journal. I have found myself in a group of mostly young adventurers which consists of two eladrin, one other halfling, a human, and a mysterious masked fellow who goes by the name of Malleus. That mask really bothers me. What is he trying to hide under that thing? I mean, it has to be uncomfortable to where all the time. It's made of leather. Perhaps I could sneak a look when he is sleeping. Surprisingly, that wasn't the only thing that struck me odd in this party. I can't seem to tell the gender of the warlock eladrin. He/she looks to be female but he/she blinks in out of sight i can't get a good look at him... or her. It could still be a guy... I hope not; but it could be. I guess the only way to really know would be to take a peek while it's sleeping.

Only time will tell the truth about my mysterious companions, but we had to decide a course of action for we had heard numerous rumors. Honestly, I didn't really care much about where which direction we went. All of these rumors seemed equally amusing. Five days into our travel we were attacked by wolves. Something wasn't right about these wolves. Well, alot of things weren't right about these wolves. They were big and they had the black worm things inside of them. It was a little startling to find myself facing three of these alone. The rest of the group must have been thirty or forty feet away. We managed to kill all but two of these wolves which we tracked only to find more interesting things. I decided to get a little ahead of the group when we saw a campfire. Sneaking up to the camp I saw a bigger fellow and at that moment I saw the opportunity to snatch his weapon. I figured if i could disarm him he would be easier to take down. If only Drel could have seen the look on his face when he reached for his axe and realized it wasn't there.

After making mince meat out of the barbarian we followed another that we had seen to what seemed to be some kind of ruins where we were confronted by several others. I pounced around the battle field dealing damage but trying not to take to many blows. I made a point to stay out of sight of the caster. His attacks seemed rather viscous. On of my comrades went down but none-the-less the combat had been going in our favor the whole time.

This was a very interesting night. We ended up finding some humans that had been captured and halfway eaten. It was hard for me to imagine what these people where going to do with their lives now that they had been freed. I was mostly concerned about the ones with severed limbs. I mean what are going to do poke people for a living.

The investigation of these cultist is definitely important but we are going to have to put them off for now. We shall return these humans back to town and continue our quests from there.

jolan tru

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